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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > PREMIUM PACK 17 > Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn

Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn Used Deck

Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Winged Beast 1900 300
If you control a "Blackwing" monster other than "Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn", you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn" once per turn this way. Once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by Spell/Trap effects.
Average Rating Score 9.5(30)
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"Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn" card reviews and rating scores

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japan 超弩級スライム
2022/01/20 8:06
Yugioh Icon
"BF" who has 1900 points and can be used as a low-level attacker
It's a level 4 card that allows you to Special Summon him from your hand like Blast.
Due to the effect of ②, it is strong against interference and can be used as a captain, but when it is used as an S material, removal is used for S monsters instead of this card, so I feel that it is not used much.
japan みめっと
2020/09/23 13:27
Yugioh Icon
In addition to 19 RBIs, he is completely immune to Spell Trap.When he first appeared in the manga, I don't know if he used Blackwing or not, but I don't know if he's a Blackwing user or not, so make sure to create a Orika that suits you! And a card that was severely criticized along with Gram of the Shining Star.
(Including the fact that the illustrator and the person in charge of the duel composition are different people, the truth of this matter is uncertain)
However, time passed, and this card, which took a long time to OCG, was converted to OCG relatively quickly, unlike Gram, who received a significant downward revision that Vayu's GY effect could not be used. It was carried out to appear with the performance of the original.
By the time it was granted without difficulty, the Duel had accelerated.
As expected, he was not completely resistant, but he alone has resistance to destruction by Spell Trap, has the SS effect, which is a semi-common effect of Blackwing, and has a hit point of 19, so it is a high level as a low-level monster. There is no doubt.
japan ガチャピン先生
2020/09/23 8:28
Yugioh Icon
Expensive junior BF (in monetary terms)
Note that the loose summoning rule effect of (1) has a name turn 1 designation unlike Gale and Blast. High ATK is also excellent compatibility with 《Black Whirlwind》. Safe and wide-range search is possible with the destruction resistance effect of (2).
As a blast after the 4th one, he is one that I want to stack in my deck.
japan サンパイ
2019/12/31 15:07
Yugioh Icon
It is a big advantage that it does not fall into the abyss of the natural enemy of the high RBI card. If you use Whirlwind, you can immediately connect to Synchro or Xyz.
japan カイトーン
2019/03/23 0:05
Yugioh Icon
Low-level non-tuner from manga. It has the highest RBI among lower BFs, so you can search for any BF monster with just Black Whirlwind and this card. Also, since he has Spell/Trap resistance, he can easily remain on the field unless his summoning is negated, so you can safely search for 《Black Whirlwind》! ! Although there is a turn 1 restriction, he has a loose Special Summon effect that is unique to BF, making it easy to get involved in deployments, making it an extremely excellent card. Even pinpointing works great! !  
japan シエスタ
2019/02/15 15:21
Yugioh Icon
Perhaps because it was slower to make cards than Gram and others in the manga BF, we were able to make cards with a high degree of reproducibility.
It has more points than Shura and is suitable for triggering whirlwinds, and it has the hand expansion effect that many BFs have. Only once as a bonus, it can withstand destruction by demons and traps.
It simply has high-level abilities as a low-level attacker, but instead, self-deployment is limited to once per turn. It is an idea to adopt multiple cards without thinking. However, there is no doubt that it is a convenient one.
japan 備長炭18
2019/02/14 12:16
Yugioh Icon
Level 4 Blackwing
If you have another Blackwing of his on your field, he can Special Summon, and although it is not flashy, it will be valuable as a level 4 non-tuner that can be easily put out.
The once-per-turn destruction resistance is solid even though it doesn't support monster effects, and it's convenient as a material, including 1900 points in case of emergency.
Blast, which also has a Special Summon effect, is different in that it can only be Special Summoned on turn 1, so if you have more than one card in your hand, you can use the minimum number of cards, including the expansion of the search range of Whirlwind. I want to.
japan もも
2017/11/05 23:41
Yugioh Icon
BF monster.
As a level 4 attacker, he has a stable RBI and his Spell Trap resistance in turn 1, and has the effect of being able to Special Summon him from his hand if there are other BFs.
When 《Black Whirlwind》is activated, you can safely search for other BFs by summoning, and if there are other BFs, I think that the deployment and his Spell Trap resistance are enough specs for an attacker.
japan なす
2017/11/04 17:18
Yugioh Icon
BF that can be put out under loose conditions.
In addition, although it is a low class, it has a high RBI of 1900, has resistance to destruction by his Spell / Trap in turn 1, and is excellent in terms of being strong against abyss and torrent funeral.
japan bb
2016/04/15 1:30
Yugioh Icon
With ss, he has 1900 RBI with Spell Trap resistance...
I often take this out and step on my own torrent funeral.
japan ムシドー
2016/03/21 0:45
Yugioh Icon
too strong
Don't care about the bogus effect!
japan アルバ
2016/01/19 9:39
Yugioh Icon
In the old days, he would have been able to work as a business trip agent.
If it's BF, it's even better and has a Special Summon effect like Blast. However, same name turn 1.
It took quite a long time from the time it appeared in the manga until it was converted to OCG. I think inflation is amazing when I see it done.
japan dai
2015/11/09 13:24
Yugioh Icon
BF's 《Marauding Captain》that turns into Shura
Since ATK is high, the search range is wide, and since it does not fall into the abyss, it is great to be able to search with a whirlwind without worry.
It also has a Special Summon effect, so it doesn't rot.
It is said that this card will remain even if you are hit by Torrent Funeral, so you can redeploy it depending on your hand.
japan カンノーネ
2015/08/22 0:26
Yugioh Icon
BF's handyman.
You can search even Shura with Whirlwind, and if Shura is there, you can do Special Summon.
As a deployment card, there is a senior who is not turn 1 called Blast, but it feels great to hold it.
japan こまつほうせい
2015/04/07 23:31
Yugioh Icon
If this had happened in the heyday of BF, it would have been regulated for sure...
The environment is impossible, but thanks to these new cards, BF would have been strengthened.
japan マスクドダゼル
2015/03/30 23:26
Yugioh Icon
When bogus cards come this far...
If BF creates a whirlwind, it will definitely be regulated
Konami's BF love is amazing
japan ラーメン
2015/03/09 19:45
Yugioh Icon
This is a strong, even if he can't sync or xyze, he has excellent hit points as a low-level attacker, and with his Trap resistance, he can search most low-level BFs with a whirlwind from the height of his hit points.
A nice enhancement card for BF.
japan ジュウテツ
2015/02/08 10:28
Yugioh Icon
It has a high ATK for a low-class monster and is excellent with Black Whirlwind. think.
japan 宵闇の変態
2015/02/05 7:27
Yugioh Icon
Even though he's strong with 19 RBIs that don't step on the abyssal torrent, he's got a self-SS effect.
As a beat member, as a material, and as a trigger for a whirlwind, he is top-notch in whatever he does.
As long as I'm happy with the new PP this time, the BF has just the right amount of strength.
japan モートン
2014/12/26 18:56
Yugioh Icon
A new light for BF who was weak against 《Thunder King Rai-Oh》.
His 1,900 RBI, which surpasses Shura, is also excellent as a whirlwind. You can finally search for Shura without Sirocco. It is a monster that will brighten up future BFs with resistance that can handle even the abyss that is likely to be stepped on.
japan ABYSS
2014/12/26 4:57
Yugioh Icon
A low grade that is packed with BF's wishes.
SS effect of blast at 1900 RBI, Spell Trap resistance and fairly strong as a low class.
It works well with Whirlwind, and now you can search for Shura even outside of Scirocco.
BF finally escaped from misfortune.
Well, it can be said that the environment has become such that this is permissible...
japan トム
2014/12/25 23:25
Yugioh Icon
A newcomer who is expected to be a BF who is not flashy but has high performance
1900 and 2 types of merit effects are considerable even at current levels
Of course, it is also excellent as a material for Synchro and Xyz, and as a low-level monster, it has unquestionable performance.
japan ラギアの使徒
2014/12/25 17:58
Yugioh Icon
1900 RBI with deployability. On top of that, his ability as an attacker is extremely high, as he is resistant to destruction by Spells and Traps. Unlike "Black Spear Blast", his Special Summon from the hand is tied to once per turn, but I don't think there are any other drawbacks. .
japan ヒコモン
2014/12/24 8:38
Yugioh Icon
The long-awaited BF 1900 RBI has Special Summon.
Combined with Blast, the ruler is easy to put out.
He doesn't die in the abyss and torrents, but it's scary that he could get hit by a Synchro or Xyz follower and end up losing more add.
And the biggest problem is that it is still far from the top of the environmental list.
japan クロエ
2014/12/23 22:27
Yugioh Icon
BF, which once boasted unparalleled strength, is now said to be a theme of the past.
Konmai finally lifted his heavy hips and strengthened his BF.
You can search for Shura with a whirlwind, or you can bury only the opponent with a torrent funeral.
Or you can use Swaness to follow up with Shura or Blast.
japan 史貴
2014/12/22 22:27
Yugioh Icon
BF is still developing.
There is a tie once per turn, but at level 4, it has a blast effect and a destruction resistance limited to magic traps, and has 1900 RBI. You can become an attacker, a whirlwind seed, a synchro or an Xyz agent while surpassing the torrent of hell.
japan フカヒレ
2014/12/22 18:45
Yugioh Icon
A low-level BF with 19 RBIs, a blast-like ss effect, Spell Trap destruction resistance, and exceptional specs.
It became possible to overcome the weakness that was weak to 19 RBIs such as "Thunder King Rai-Oh", and the stability simply increased.
I think it's a simple and powerful monster.
A decade ago it would have been called broken
japan とき
2014/12/22 17:11
Yugioh Icon
The times have caught up with cheats.
That BF with 1900 RBI resistance finally made it to OCG. Moreover, Special Summon is possible.
Since it is less susceptible to the effects of abyss and torrents, it can play an excellent role as a bridge between Synchro and Xyz, and as a trigger for 《Black Whirlwind》.
Even if he simply beats at a low class, he can rely on all of his ATK, development power, and resistance.
Overwhelming strength is no longer felt due to the decline of BF, but the strength of cheat BF is still alive and well.
japan グレイ
2014/12/22 17:09
Yugioh Icon
Blackwing If you have two level 4 monsters and you can play this card, you can call Rise FalconRurii!
strong. It doesn't have the usual downsides to his Special Summon method. Also has a high score. Destruction resistance is also only once.
Blackwing structure doesn't come, right?
japan SOUL
2014/12/21 21:16
Yugioh Icon
It's still great that the 1900 Destruction Resistant Attacker has his Special Summon ability similar to Black Spear's Blast.
Simply because he's a Blackwing 1900 attacker is worth it, and he's also a great whirlwind trigger.
It is also great that the whirlwind will not be misfired due to destruction resistance such as whirlwind chain abyss.
These days, there are a lot of cards packed with beneficial effects, but unlike those, this card has a simple and strong finish, and I like it.
I think it's a good card because it's Blackwing.

Decks with "Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
PREMIUM PACK 17 PP17-JP006 2014-12-20 Secret
SECRET UTILITY BOX SUB1-JP058 2022-12-24 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 803 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 124,943
Type "Winged Beast" Type Best Monster Ranking 25th


Japanese card name BF-残夜のクリス

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