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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > BOOSTER3 > Temple of Skulls

Temple of Skulls Used Deck

Temple of Skulls
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Monster - 4 Zombie 900 1300
A mysterious temple of skulls and bones that pulls in unsuspecting enemies.
Average Rating Score 1.7(13)
  1. Card Info
  2. Card Reviews (13 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Temple of Skulls (3 Decks)
  4. Card Category and Effect Category
  5. Products in Japan
  6. Ranking and View Num

"Temple of Skulls" card reviews and rating scores

0% (0)
0% (0)
0% (0)
15% (2)
84% (11)

japan みめっと
2022/07/11 10:41
Yugioh Icon
One of the out-of-print Zombie Normal Monsters that Deathbird uses as a named fusion material.
It has the lowest total attack and defense value among the level 4 monsters in the first period, and it cannot be said that it has a very good ability value, but its personality is strong because the facility is a monster.
In the game, it's a Zombie, but not a demon, but a black demon, a skull rider named as a sacrifice for ritual summoning, and an original effect like an imperial order to negate all spells when in the face-up Defense Position. Even though it is a vanilla undead, it seems to be treated strangely preferentially compared to the other out-of-print vanilla undead in season 1, and is treated as a rare card with a special feeling.
It may be a facility designated as an important cultural property for 《Zombie World》.
japan ねこーら
2020/09/15 14:07
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Zombie that can use fusion material support and corresponds to 《Dragard》.
Star 4 Zombie has a little more support.
However, if it's Zombie, it's easier to deploy with Effect Monsters.
Effect Monster DARK There are many.
japan シルキン
2020/04/22 1:16
Yugioh Icon
The "temple" itself is a monster. Well, I guess it's not that strange because the castle also hits me.
Fusion material of 《Skullbird》together with 《Takuhee》. However, it is difficult to adopt them. Is it an advantage that both are compatible with 《Rescue Rabbit》?
japan サンパイ
2019/11/30 21:55
Yugioh Icon
Don't approach monsters that can't beat this guy!
japan ユメ
2019/11/30 21:34
Yugioh Icon
The 4-star dark undead conscription support and usage itself are not zero, but the charm of this card is that the background is a live action!
I wish there were more cards like this.
japan とき
2019/01/24 17:08
Yugioh Icon
Normal Monster in DARK Zombie.
It is also used as a fusion material for 《Skullbird》.
It's creepy, but it seems to be a temple, but what is it that sucks in anything that approaches?
japan 備長炭18
2018/09/23 15:14
Yugioh Icon
According to 《Return of the Zombies》, it seems to be a temple that exists at 《Zombie World》. (So ​​what!)
japan ぷれあです
2015/08/21 11:35
Yugioh Icon
This is a monster...
However, in this status it will soon collapse...
japan 聖なる破壊
2013/08/05 9:59
Yugioh Icon
Rescue 《Rescue Rabbit》...
japan ファナナス
2013/02/06 12:04
Yugioh Icon
I wonder if there are people who approach such a suspicious-looking temple.
japan ファイア野郎
2012/12/26 21:32
Yugioh Icon
A temple destroyed by a recruiter...
So this is a model of "Temple of Skulls" (laughs)
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/09/11 19:19
Yugioh Icon
Even though it's a temple, it's a monster...
Even in Defense Position, it is easily destroyed by a giant rat.
japan 2012/08/20 9:33
You can call it with Dora Drago and Xyz it! It's started!

Decks with "Temple of Skulls"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Card Category and Effect Category did not exist.

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BOOSTER3 --14 1999-07-01 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 12,095 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 11,114


Japanese card name 髑髏の寺院

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