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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > LIMITED EDITION 6 > The Tricky

The Tricky Used Deck

The Tricky
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 5 Spellcaster 2000 1200
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by discarding 1 card.
Average Rating Score 7.4(39)
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"The Tricky" card reviews and rating scores

7% (3)
76% (30)
15% (6)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan みめっと
2023/06/10 16:39
Yugioh Icon
An advanced-level Spellcaster monster with self-SS ability that appeared in the original Last Duel.
It has a tricky self-SS ability that discards cards and self-SSs itself without a preliminary action called activation, and the act of discarding the hand due to this is of course not discarded by an effect, so-called "effect activation". It is not treated as a cost in the narrow sense of being performed for the sake of, and the correct expression is to say that it is a procedure for performing self-SS.
It doesn't choose the type of discarded card, it has a decent combat ability, both level and race are suitable as materials for Special Summon, and currently there are too many competitors with the same self-SS ability. However, considering that he is a pioneer of monsters with similar abilities, he still seems to be able to do his best.
It would have been even better if this card had an effect that brought Tricky Spell 4, a dedicated support spell, to the hand, and if it appeared today, it might have actually happened.
japan かどまん
2023/04/09 20:40
Yugioh Icon
It can be said that it is the origin of monsters that can SS from the hand at the hand cost.
The important point is that the cost is not "send" but "throw away"
It can be used with Fabled and Danger! In addition, the cost can be any type of card, so accidents are unlikely
There are many rivals for ☆5 that can be SS, so I would like to operate with a deck that is compatible for differentiation.
japan レオ・アークメイジ
2023/02/23 21:58
Yugioh Icon
Her valuable WIND Spellcaster that allows for a Special Summon with loose conditions.
Grand Spiritual Art - Ichirin》satisfies the search conditions for familiars, while satisfying the search conditions for 《Wynn the Wind Channeler》and 《Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms》.
Skill Drain》is also useful.
Throw away any extra hand triggers.
japan カディーン
2021/12/26 1:13
Yugioh Icon
A semi-advanced class that has existed for a long time. Older than Cyber Dragon.
It doesn't require any conditions other than the cost of the hand, so it's easy to use, but it doesn't belong in the category itself, and it's actually vanilla and single-handed, so it can't be said to be a good compliment. Although there is dedicated support, the reality is that the performance is not good enough and the evaluation points are not enough.
Therefore, it will basically be used as a material, but this time it will be a synchro material and will have severe competition with Quickdraw Synchron, which has even attributes.
At that time, it was a time when there was no way to prepare a single sacrifice, so this was enough for actual battles, but now it's versatile enough to be used in any deck and won't spoil no matter how many times you draw it. It is undeniably weak as an evaluation point.
japan ねこーら
2021/12/25 11:04
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Special Summon is convenient, but other added value is small.
Although it lacks ATK, it has the same level and attributes as Tuner's 《Quickdraw Synchron》, so it is difficult to use it as a material.
As a spell user, 《Musician King》that can be played with 《Ready Fusion》is also available.
This one has higher ATK, but there are monsters with higher ATK such as 《Cyber Dragon》, so the priority will inevitably go down.
Maybe if I strengthen it with 《Awakening of the Possessed》or something like that.
japan アキ
2021/03/06 8:57
Yugioh Icon
A level 5 monster that can be Special Summoned by discarding one card from your hand. It's much easier to handle than those demerit attackers.
There are other monsters that can Special Summon by discarding one card if certain conditions are met, but this card may be the originator of them.
japan アルバ
2020/06/27 1:24
Yugioh Icon
A card that is easy to compare with this kind of card at level 5 that is easy to Special Summon.
The RBI is also to the extent that it can beat most lower grades.
Recently, there are more and more cards like this that don't require a cost, so I want to take advantage of the fact that it's hard to be shaken by the situation of the field or you can discard your hand.
japan Dark
2019/11/01 10:29
Yugioh Icon
It's certainly strong, but "Quickdraw Synchron" is fine.
japan A〜リアン
2019/07/16 20:35
Yugioh Icon
Cards with no quirks, good or bad
He can Special Summon just 2000 RBIs with no level 5 effect. That's really the effect.
However, it doesn't depend on your opponent or your field, but it doesn't have any special restrictions, and the fact that it doesn't even have a turn 1 restriction with the same name is a big advantage.
japan お空は青い
2019/06/30 13:51
Yugioh Icon
It's not that I'm particularly weak, but when I look at something like Pankratops, I feel like having a vanilla 2000 and 1 card in hand is tight. I just need to take advantage of the cost, but then there is a searchable . If you want level 5, "Instant Fusion" is enough, and I think it's completely backward compatible with "Apprentice Illusion Magician" for her Special Summon type spell use.
japan シエスタ
2019/06/28 10:39
Yugioh Icon
A semi-advanced card that requires a hand cost instead of depending on the field for a reasonable stat. It's easy, but it feels like it needs a lot of cards in hand, so even if it depends a little on the field or puts pressure on EX, it's hard to prioritize it as a material compared to Sydra Solar Wind Jammer and Instant Fusion.
The impression that the attribute style is not so good when looking at it as a material. Well, I don't know what will happen in the future.
If you want to prioritize, you want to take advantage of the hand cost. However, in the case of this card, the ruling on "discard" is a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, it cannot be comboed with Dark World.
It feels like a card that doesn't have many quirks, good or bad. I think there will be opportunities to play an active role if we can make use of it in terms of attributes and races, so I wonder if there is potential in the future.
japan 備長炭18
2018/10/12 9:34
Yugioh Icon
Materials for EX monsters that have existed since the beginning and are easy to put out.
It's a simple and straightforward effect where you only need to Special Summon yourself with one card in your hand. There will be many.
Currently, there are more similar cards and cards that are substantially upward and backward compatible, but the ease of handling is still high.
japan デルタアイズ
2018/09/25 19:43
Yugioh Icon
An excellent monster that can be used for various material personnel
There is also attribute matching, so adoption can be considered for WW, SR, etc.
japan ヒコモン
2018/02/21 12:54
Yugioh Icon
Discard the God card and it's Special Summon. What an amazing card that Obelisk, Osiris, and Ra have all been discarded. By the way, the act of discarding this hand is not a cost. That said, it's not like I'm throwing it away because of its effect. I don't know what you're saying, but that's Konmai. Since the summoning right is not used, in the early days of synchro, it was sometimes used to perform level 7 and level 8 synchros alongside tuners. However, recently, there are cards that can be used more easily without any cost, so it is difficult to adopt. Although there is a dedicated spell, it is a pity that it is not easy to use.
japan なす
2017/08/12 13:07
Yugioh Icon
Level 5 where you can use one card from your hand as a cost.
I would like to take advantage of the fact that it is a Spellcaster.
japan sento
2016/03/12 12:55
Yugioh Icon
Quickdraw Synchron》and 《Galaxy Soldier》are better for Xyz, but this non-tuner card can be considered for Synchro. The race is her Spell user, which is different from the other two.
japan エリンギ
2016/02/24 15:48
Yugioh Icon
It's nice to be able to discard your hand.
japan ゆくら
2015/11/29 10:25
Yugioh Icon
Level 5 without summon rights
You can discard your hand at any time
this should be enough
japan 葱間ビーフ
2015/08/05 18:20
Yugioh Icon
A level 5 you can easily get out of your original hand.
"Cyber Dragon" doesn't have a hand cost, but since the scene is limited, it's more reliable. If you value using it as a material, you can use it properly with "Cyber Dragon" as you like.
Hand cost also becomes an add if he sends useful cards in GY.
japan 企業ブラック
2015/06/04 13:10
Yugioh Icon
Hedgehog, Zonkyari, Stealer, etc. are easily discarded and appear easily. A card that is not as easy to use as Sydra, but is just as easy to use. You can't be weak. By loyal users.
japan ペジャング
2014/01/01 22:00
Yugioh Icon
A card that can still be used at ATMs as a support for high-level Synchro and Rank 5 Xyz.
It is the ancestor of many semi-advanced monsters, and its usage is also different from later generation cards.
It's different from Quickron, Saidra, Sun Priest, and Egotistical Ape.
But they are strong in common.
You should use it according to your preference and tactics
japan DD
2013/12/04 0:15
Yugioh Icon
As the name suggests, this card is tricky. It's an excellent Synchro Material because you can Special Summon just by discarding one card from your hand. Also, the cost of discarding 1 card from his hand is excellent with his Fabled. As soon as Kerberal is discarded, he's level 7 and can create a Synchro Monster. Since THE Tricky itself is her Spellcaster, it is possible to Synchro Summon Arcanite Magician by combining it with Kerberal. I'm also happy that it can be used as a material for Xyz summoning.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/16 20:27
Yugioh Icon
As its name suggests, it is a tricky monster. His Level 5 Spellcaster is 《Oracle of the Sun》, which does not require you to discard your hand. However, this one has an ATK that can handle the minimum amount of battle, and it can also use the effect of discarding cards, so it will be able to differentiate itself sufficiently.
japan セロリ
2013/03/21 21:40
Yugioh Icon
A level 5 monster with an easy Special Summon.
If you use Akanai with Kerberal and discard the glyph with Gusto to get Leeds, you can get rank 5 without using summons.
It is his Spellcaster that Tris can also use.
japan taki
2013/02/01 20:39
Yugioh Icon
Among the monsters used by the king, this ability is still used today. Synchro, Level 5 Xyz, etc., have been strengthened little by little according to the times.
There are many rivals such as Sidera and Convoy, and the hand cost is not cheap at all. Be careful around here if you want to use it.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/01 16:26
Yugioh Icon
I've been waiting for a reprint. A little late though! A level 5 monster that is easy to Special Summon. However, since the hand cost is required, Cyber Dragon and Spirit are basically prioritized even if the situation is not chosen. When using this card, I want to make the most of the fact that it is a Spellcaster. Arkanite is too famous effect without throwing away Kerberal and not using summoning rights
japan 光芒
2013/01/16 15:59
Yugioh Icon
Unlike Saidra, you can use it even if there are monsters in your field. Since it is a Spellcaster, it is possible to immediately connect to a Synchro Summon of Arkanite Magician by discarding Kerberal or Zonkyari. It used to be one of the expensive cards, but now that it's included in GS, it's easier to obtain.
japan みくみく
2013/01/15 22:43
Yugioh Icon
A card used by ATMs to discard gods.
Discard your hand at level 5 and use Special Summon in common with Quick Synchron.
Over there has the advantage of being a "tuner" and "a substitute for Synchron".
This one excels in "any card can be discarded", "non-tuner", "Spellcaster", and "single point".
That's why the characteristics are completely different, so the usage is quite different, so it is important to use them properly.
It's reprinted in GS and available at a low price, so it might be a good idea to try it.
japan ドラゴンX
2013/01/14 14:48
Yugioh Icon
Hmm, it comes out plain ~. It's tricky.
If the card is advantageous for the hand cost, it's worth trying.
Since it is a spell user, there is value in magic Xyz, and it can be used as a synchro cost for Arcanite Magician or the like.
I'm really happy with the GS reprint.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/01/10 17:04
Yugioh Icon
A tricky monster that appears by discarding your hand.
It works well with cards that are activated by discarding your hand and cards that are activated by his GY, especially in the case of The Fabled Cerburrel, you can aim for Arcanite Magician without using summoning rights. Other than this, this card is also active as a Synchro Xyz material.
Compared to Cyber Dragon, its strengths are that it can be used stably regardless of the situation of the field and that it is easy to set up various combos.
It was a hard-to-find card, but I'm happy that it was decided to reprint it in the GOLD SERIES.
japan しょひひ
2013/01/10 7:37
Yugioh Icon
Unlike Sydra, you can always put out cards you need. Tricky indeed.
Since it is a spell use, you can also get Arkanite in combination with Kerberal. There is no point in throwing away things like Dandy.
After all, it can be used well in Synchro and Xyz.
japan ゼンマイ
2013/01/09 21:00
Yugioh Icon
japan みかんゼリー
2012/11/05 22:08
Yugioh Icon
A piece that can be used in a different way from Sidera, and when used with Fabled, etc.
Also, since he's a spellcaster, it's nice to be able to drop Kerberal and get Arkanite without using Summon.
It's basically a card that is used in decks that use discarded cards, but it's a highly versatile card that can be used normally.
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2012/11/03 16:20
Yugioh Icon
Depending on the situation, it is easier to put out than Sidera.
It's also level 5, so I'd like to use it in the Intiquila Deck.
It would be nice to connect it to Rank 5 Xyz as it is.
japan とき
2011/01/09 0:18
Yugioh Icon
As a semi-advanced level, it was one step unsatisfactory, but the evaluation soared as a synchro factor.
I'm happy to summon an excellent S-monster Arcanite Magician for my Spellcaster.
A semi-advanced monster with excellent combos, even if Kerberal and 《Dandylion》are discarded.
Compared to Saidra, it has excellent combos that take advantage of its cost, and its tribe. This one was saved by Synchro.
Of course, it can also be used for Xyz, and it has the advantage of not being affected by the situation of the field. It was a very valuable card, but I was very happy that it was scattered in GS and so on.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/12 21:55
Yugioh Icon
A really tricky card.
If you have only one card in your hand, it's level 5, so it's a perfect Synchro material.
Since it's a Spell card, it's a card that's perfect for synchronizing materials with Arkanite, Genex 3 Tuner, and Vindicite in Kerberal.
It wasn't a decent reprint even in DT, so there must be a lot of people who were happy with the GS reprint.
japan NEOS
2010/08/18 0:38
Yugioh Icon
A monster showing a tricky scene.
It's no match for Cyber Dragon, but it's an excellent synchro material.
Since you discard your hand, this is surprisingly powerful.
japan フッキー
2010/08/05 1:05
Yugioh Icon
Arkanite summoning is too beautiful with a combo with Kerberal.
I choose Deck, but it's a card whose name is likely to come up again and again.
There is no loss even if you have three cards.
japan 2015/02/11 7:28
The effect of discarding cards is very beneficial for Synchro Decks, so it's delicious.

Decks with "The Tricky"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
DUEL TERMINAL - Invasion of the Invels! -LIMITED EDITION 1 DT10-JP005 2010-08-03 Normal
LIMITED EDITION 6 LE6-JP004 2004-04-01 Ultra
GOLD SERIES 2013 GS05-JP004 2013-01-10 Gold
Memories of the Duel King 15AY-JPC12 2014-08-23 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 4,845 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 120,236


Japanese card name THE トリッキー

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