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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Collector's Pack -ZEXAL  > Number 85: Crazy Box

Number 85: Crazy Box Used Deck

Number 85: Crazy Box
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Xyz Monster
Effect Monster
- 4 Fiend 3000 300
2 Level 4 monsters
This card cannot attack. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; roll a six-sided die and apply the result.
1: Halve your Life Points.
2: Draw 1 card.
3: Your opponent discards 1 card.
4: Negate the effects of 1 face-up card on the field until the end of this turn.
5: Destroy 1 card on the field.
6: Destroy this card.
Average Rating Score 8(46)
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  2. Card Reviews (46 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Number 85: Crazy Box (266 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
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"Number 85: Crazy Box" card reviews and rating scores

47% (22)
30% (14)
17% (8)
2% (1)
2% (1)

japan 姫様を崇拝するワイト
2023/03/26 15:00
Yugioh Icon
Skill Drain》High level ATK3000 after use. A Fiend that can break through the limitations of 《Welcome Labrynth》. ATK3000 corresponding to 《Deck Devastation Virus》. A card that perfectly matches the point of rank 4 corresponding to 《Arianna the Labrynth Servant》. In the OCG, there is ATK3000 with 《Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle》, so it is likely that it will appear less frequently, but in the current Master Duel, his Fiend with ATK3000 and his Dark Rank 4 is the only card, so we can consider using it.
japan 熟練の獅子魔術師
2023/02/13 4:47
Yugioh Icon
When using Skill Drain, there is room for adoption if there are no other high RBI monsters in his deck.
You can ask God to force out The Iris Swordsoul that has been lying around in your hand.
If you have enough space in your EX Deck, you can put Drill Driver Vespenato in it, and it will be a relief measure when you run out of bullets or get an unwanted eye.
japan ねおんちゃん
2022/04/04 0:56
Yugioh Icon
Among gambling cards, it is a card that is easy to create stable uses in the top class.
As bait for the virus that can be stably supplied from the EX Deck at any time, Dice Re-Roll raises his luck, and skidle him as a pseudo-Blue-Eyed...
That Six》has no choice but to fix it as a demerit effect, and if it can be induced to the 1 effect, it can be used as a voluntary LP scraper. As expected, the area of the story does not come out.
But more than that, the high merit rate of 2/3 is eye-catching. Because it is a gambling frame, there are times when the opponent will leave it without destroying it because it will not be useful anyway, and it is often the case that the effect that meshes with the development unnaturally is subtracted from such a spoiled development.
When the Duel reaches a dead end, it might be a good idea to believe in her own destiny and entrust a sliver of hope to this Crazy Box. There are many other excellent monsters in Rank 4 Xyz, though. Lightning-san, who is actually 4.
japan カディーン
2021/11/29 1:19
Yugioh Icon
A card whose evaluation is divided into two points: it cannot attack and its effect is random. However, even if you can't attack, it will be a wall with 3000 hit points, and even if it's random, 2/3 will have a merit effect, and a 1 will not cause immediate damage, so it's not so much a disadvantage. As a gambling card, the effects are stable and easy to use.
However, all of its effects, including being unable to attack, are somewhat negative, and it's a bit narrow, especially in Rank 4 Decks, where there are many rivals. There are no material restrictions, it can be a bullet of a virus, and it belongs to No, but it is difficult to give it a frame because of the existence of Lightning.
japan nesses
2021/11/29 0:06
Yugioh Icon
Low evaluation by airp guys, but easy to use as a normal gambling card
japan tierraの供物
2021/09/09 13:37
Yugioh Icon
It can't attack, and if you don't have luck, the effect will only be a disadvantage.
However, since it's a general-purpose Rank 4, it's easy to use and you don't know what's going to happen, so it's likely that you'll be able to use it as a so-called "entertainment agent" to liven up the Duel.
When you're tired of strong cards like Hope the Lightning and Baguska in a duel with your friends, or when you've worn out your mentality from wanting to win too much, try this card and you might be able to remember the excitement of dueling again. This is a box filled with such important things
japan ガッジェタブルス
2020/09/26 22:53
Yugioh Icon
Speaking of Xyz, Rank 4 monsters with high versatility are still famous.
In particular, this monster has an ATK of 3000, putting advanced monsters to shame.
I have no doubt.
…But, of course, you can't attack, depending on your luck.
In particular, 6 destroys itself and has no advantage.
However, with a 2 draw effect and a 4 negate effect that doesn't target opponent's monsters, if you're lucky, you may be able to play an active role above rank 4.
The effect of using dice is unavoidable risk, but once you see it
I think it's interesting in a different way.
As expected, it can't be used in national competitions, but...
japan 春夏秋冬
2020/09/03 12:46
Yugioh Icon
The first card you put out in a pack
The effect is the effect of rolling a dice, but if you are unlucky and use it, you will get 1 or 6, so you compensate with rebus die etc.
He's easy to put out, so he can fit in almost any deck, but recently he's been robbed of that slot by Daribé.
But the effect is fun and looks interesting, so I like the card
japan デルタアイズ
2018/10/31 1:09
Yugioh Icon
Is it mainly used in combination with Skidre?
The evaluation is high because it can be entertained more easily than Casones
japan はわわ
2018/10/30 12:34
Yugioh Icon
Even with 3000 RBIs, if you can't attack, it's meaningless, and Daribe and others are prioritized even for viruses.
The effect is also left to luck, and it's terrible that you can't even receive support from 《That Six
There is no frame to adopt such an industrial waste relying on the opponent's skidre
japan シエスタ
2018/10/30 9:50
Yugioh Icon
Despite being Rank 4, he has a high RBI of 3000 RBI. Moreover, there is no specific material specification with two requests.
However, it is still an ant, and if you can't declare an attack and apply the effect of 4, it won't function as an attacker on its own.
It is a gambling effect, and regarding the merit effect, 3 and 5 are easily affected by the situation and are quite unstable.
Other than the effect, it is useful as an anti-skidre due to the height of the raw hitting point. Also, since it is a demon, it can also be used as a material for Dark Gaia.
It is a category that is easy to use as a gambling card, but the habit is a little strong.
japan ナナ
2018/04/09 0:53
Yugioh Icon
A gambling box with a wide variety of effects.
The attributes, races, and RBIs are excellent as well as the interesting effects.
japan なす
2017/07/28 16:23
Yugioh Icon
Rank 4 with 3000 hit points that activates with a dice.
Can't attack, but has the highest RBI among Rank 4. 1 and 6 are disadvantages, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are advantages. If 4 comes out, you will be able to attack by negating your own disadvantages. If you are confident in gambling, please come.
In addition, it can be used as a material for Dark Gaia and the cost of Evil and Darkness Virus, and it also works well with 《Skill Drain》and the Holy Grail.
japan アルバ
2017/06/13 2:39
Yugioh Icon
The disadvantage of not being able to attack is very painful, but it has the highest RBI at Rank 4 with no restrictions.
I used to be a dark deck agent, but now I'm an anti-skidre agent because Rebellion, which is easier to use, came out.
Although it has a gambling effect, it's difficult to get an effect that matches the situation. .
japan マイナー機械
2016/03/02 16:08
Yugioh Icon
As a Morphtronic user, I like to touch the dice a lot.
I can manage my weak point, Skidre...!
japan かのん
2015/07/18 11:46
Yugioh Icon
A card in my top 10 favorite cards in Xyz Monster.
The material itself is two level 4! in a fairly easy category
The effect is 4 good effects and 2 bad effects, so it has a slightly advantageous gamble effect.
I wonder if the spirit of this card likes it or not.
japan カンノーネ
2015/06/20 19:40
Yugioh Icon
I put it in extras when I had no card at all
One of the dice monsters that stands out and is crazy
2/3 is a merit effect, but the demerit is quite scary, and half of the LP is a crazy demerit that is not funny.
When ordinary people use it, I think it should be used when aligning the cost of the Magic Deck and Darkness Deck, or when it is skidded.
japan ゆくら
2014/10/12 10:22
Yugioh Icon
various interesting boxes
If you do your best, you can draw two cards... maybe
4 Xyz is rarely used because it lacks stability.
It can be used with negate decks and virus personnel.
japan 中堅大好き
2014/06/27 0:19
Yugioh Icon
ATK 3000 at Rank 4
The effect is also 2/3.
It is a point that I highly evaluate in myself that it combines strength and fun.
japan カゲトカゲ
2014/05/15 1:14
Yugioh Icon
An Xyz that looks like a Dangerous Machine TYPE6 turned into a monster.
For those who like luck games.
Since it has over 2500 dark attacks with no restrictions, if you put this in the extras, you can hit the dark virus.
After that, I wonder if I can become a material for Dark Gaia...
japan AKIRA
2014/04/01 1:00
Yugioh Icon
The effect is just crazy.
I've seen an acquaintance lining up three of them and making them feel like a jerk.
Well, normally it would be the cost of the Magic Deck Darkness Deck
japan wisteria
2014/03/24 16:51
Yugioh Icon
If it weren't for that extra sentence, I would have used this box to beat Fergra... I've only seen the sight of this guy blowing himself up. Although it is an ant as a story, it is stronger to use other cards honestly (of course). A really crazy piece.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/03/10 5:55
Yugioh Icon
Basically a rank 4 virus agent. Although it has a high RBI, it can't attack as it is, so you can't expect it as a combat member unless you negate the effect by using 《Forbidden Chalice》or 《Skill Drain》or your own effect. Gambling effects 1 and 6 are demerits, but they are not stable, so you don't have to try to use them.
japan began
2014/02/12 18:37
Yugioh Icon
1 is scary.
It's more beneficial, but it's dangerous.
I wish I could attack at least even if my ATK dropped by 400...
japan 黒生
2013/10/20 20:58
Yugioh Icon
"Let's shake it for a test... LP gaaaaaaa!"
Regarding the fact that this effect has never been successful
japan たたた
2013/10/08 14:26
Yugioh Icon
3000 at rank 4! ?
If you think about it, it has the disadvantage of being unable to attack, and the effect is unstable, so it's quite a difficult monster.
The probability that the merit comes out is 2/3, but the demerit is too painful and it is quite scary
Is it normal to use it as a virus medium or use a skidre to beat it up?
japan スクラップトリトドン
2013/10/02 12:39
Yugioh Icon
Ver2.0! Isn't it Ver2.0 that made Thatchi a full bokko!?
I thought it would be a light item in this pack, but it was really good because it was a cheap letter rare...
What's amazing is that it's an unrestricted anti-virus card.
It has the disadvantage of not being able to attack, but with 3000 hit points, it can also be used as food for Dark Gaia, and can also be used as a wall for Attack Position.
The effect is quite a gamble, and you can actually get benefits with a probability of 1/2, but I'm afraid of half LP and self-destruction. In particular, he erases half of his LP.
japan トライデルタ
2013/08/27 22:17
Yugioh Icon
It looks like a monster version Dangerous Machine TYPE-6 www
5 eyes effect is improved
Since it is a Fiend with ATK 3000,
It will be a candidate for the material of Dark Gaia
However, the effect of the first eye... No matter how you look at it, it's for the sake of Ekzo.
It seems like it is... but maybe it's just my imagination
japan 真紅眼の黒牛
2013/08/16 6:47
Yugioh Icon
Anti-skidre high RBI, gambling, virus material. It's a perfect spec.
Since he is dark and demonic, his deck can be said to be 85 (box) that can be used in a wide variety of ways.
japan 乙乙
2013/08/13 20:14
Yugioh Icon
Easy 3000 RBI but no attack
However, if you use the effect, you can attack
Well it's a game of luck
Now you can put a Darkness Deck in any Deck.
japan リバース@影の使者
2013/08/12 9:26
Yugioh Icon
Just crazy! ! !
japan koto
2013/08/11 17:06
Yugioh Icon
gambling! ! gambling! ! Great specs! ! It's a waste to take away the effect with a skid! Exactly the Dangerous Machine of today! !
japan 宵闇の変態
2013/08/11 4:56
Yugioh Icon
All decks that can aim for rank 4 can now handle dark decks! I just wanted you to come to Japan sooner!
As a gambling card, it's pretty good as it gives you 2/3 benefits like Snast.
The rarity is also a letter rare, so it's not a loss to secure one.
japan ポンコツデュエリスト
2013/08/10 17:43
Yugioh Icon
Is this stronger than Skill Drain? www
japan イッキューたん
2013/08/10 14:51
Yugioh Icon
Medium with hidden strength that can hit viruses with all decks
I missed the Wind-Up magic environment
you were late...
But "the devil"! "It's not a machine!"
He has a score that can beat Blue-Eyed by skidling in Dark World
Archfiend is not weak
pretty card
japan わたV
2013/08/10 13:53
Yugioh Icon
The most excellent card among OCG original numbers
Its strength is its status. With 3000 Dark ATK, you can use Dark Decks and Magic Decks with any Rank 4 Deck.
In addition, it is quite a standard gambling card, and it is a card that can be expected to play an active role in the future as a general-purpose rank 4 card that is strong against skidding.
…However, “Let’s use the effect for now” → “1” → “” is no longer a template
japan ナル参照
2013/08/10 13:22
Yugioh Icon
An unmistakable shit box. They sell shit boxes.
A bacteriological weapon that spreads viruses. You came a little late.
Due to its own status and effects, it is mostly for viruses. It's not unusable, but the demerits of self-destruction and LP halving aren't fancy. I'm a chicken, so I'll shut up and use it for viruses. By the way, if you get a 4 and negate your own effect, you can hit. Do you mean "death"?
Since it can deal with skidre with its RBI, there is no loss in having one in EX. I'm really looking forward to what will happen (environment) from now on
japan とき
2013/08/10 12:36
Yugioh Icon
I really don't like the halving and self-destruction, but it's also an excellent card for gambling and gaining benefits. It's also exquisite to be able to hit with skidre.
However, Dark Rebellion has taken away its greatest value, the merit of general-purpose rank 4 against both dark and demonic viruses...
Viruses no longer die unless they are typed into the Darkness Deck, like the Dragon Ruler magic of a period of time, so I feel like I don't see them much anymore, so I'm getting more and more embarrassed.
Currently, it's mostly a Skidre Deck or a 3000 RBI Xyz against Skidre. I think it's interesting to try gambling, but it's a two-time only thing, and the disadvantages are huge...
I think it's an interesting card, but it fell victim to the 9th gen...
japan みめっと
2023/10/23 14:33
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/09 23:39
Skidre, Barba, Photosla, low-level demerit Attacker, this guy, and viruses are cheap, so they're a friend of the poor
japan 2014/09/09 22:16
Rebellion and Downard, which are easy to use on their own, are stronger as bait for dark decks, but since they can outperform Qliphort's RBI during skidling, it is a card that is increasingly being used as an extra countermeasure against them. It is a type of monster whose adoption rate fluctuates depending on the environment, so it is a card that is difficult to score.
japan 2013/11/30 23:15
If 1 and 6 come out, it's the worst. It's also interesting to be able to negate yourself and attack if a 4 is rolled.
Others are good effects, 2/3 chance, reasonably strong.
If you're afraid to use it, you can put out a coat of arms later and make it a negate.
As expected No.85 (Box) Crazy Box (Funny Box)
japan 2013/10/20 23:15
Can be used to put rabbits and dark decks in the Skidre without binding. Do not use effects. Because 1 comes out anyway...
japan 2013/10/09 20:39
Is it excellent as an attacker who hits with 《Skill Drain》?
No effect. Disadvantages too big w
japan 2013/08/11 22:11
No.85 (Box)
no, nothing
japan 2013/08/10 11:34

Decks with "Number 85: Crazy Box"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Collector's Pack -ZEXAL CPZ1-JP026 2013-08-10 Rare

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,561 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 101,711
Rank 4 Best Xyz Monster Ranking 76th


Japanese card name No.85 クレイジー・ボックス

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