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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Vol.1 > Haniwa

Haniwa Used Deck

Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Monster - 2 Rock 500 500
An earthen figure that protects the tomb of an ancient ruler.
Average Rating Score 2.8(29)
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  2. Card Reviews (29 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Haniwa (6 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
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"Haniwa" card reviews and rating scores

6% (2)
0% (0)
6% (2)
24% (7)
62% (18)

japan ブルーバード
2022/03/22 13:02
Yugioh Icon
A great king of old thought it sinful to make his servants a tribute as a human pillar when he died, so he ordered that after his death his niece should be placed in the burial mound instead.
I also think it's a pity that an innocent monster becomes the cost, so I use this card as a scapegoat instead... no?
japan ねこーら
2020/07/23 13:03
Yugioh Icon
Overall Rating: Excluded personnel sent to GY.
Similar to 《✪ Ancient Urn》, she can be used to exclude 《Block Dragon》by sending 《Advanced Ritual Art》to her GY.
Unlike " ✪ Ancient Urn ", it's level 2, so it's hard to get Rock's Megalith Ritual Monster out with "Advanced Ritual Art".
japan みめっと
2020/03/26 10:51
Yugioh Icon
Attack the defense system with Haniwa
7 hits
10573 damage to Bouei system
Defense system collapsed
You've taken the hodai 1!
Haniwa is characterized by its appearance.
In terms of OCG, there is no special feature other than being the first Rock Normal Monster.
Haniwa, when you come with a dog, if you're going to go out next time, it's around "Syachihoko"?
japan サンパイ
2019/12/06 7:15
Yugioh Icon
Compared to the vanilla that came out at the same time, the support is abundant. However, it is poor on its own.
japan シルキン
2019/12/06 1:50
Yugioh Icon
Haniwa. Historically, it is still an ornament after all.
No, in this game, he's just a figurine, and he's useful because he's thrown into the deck.
japan シエスタ
2019/10/09 8:57
Yugioh Icon
The name has a lot of storytelling, and although he plays the role of Choi, he appears quite often in anime.
Since it is a low-level rock, there are plenty of supports, and it is easy to find the cost of Gaia Plate, and if you want to use it, you can use it.
The stats are fairly weak, so it would be pretty tough to protect something like a text...
japan とき
2018/08/13 15:25
Yugioh Icon
A clay doll that guards the treasures of the tomb. Normal Monster of EARTH Rock.
Rock's valuable Normal Monster and low level, so you can send a lot of them to his GY with 《✪ Ancient Urn》with 《Advanced Ritual Art》and play an active role as his GY cost for Mega Rock and Gaia Plate. .
It can be said that it is a special skill that is possible because it is a vanilla monster with no sex appeal in the early days.
japan 備長炭18
2018/08/13 15:00
Yugioh Icon
Haniwa are blessed with card illustrations and anime appearances.
Therefore, coupled with this adorable (?) appearance, there are (apparently) many fans.
In Yu-Gi-Oh, this text probably means something like protecting a pyramid instead of an ancient tomb.
japan ぷれあです
2017/03/23 18:51
Yugioh Icon
It's a nostalgic cart.
I don't think this alone will protect the grave.
japan よしにい
2016/01/11 19:26
Yugioh Icon
Although it overlaps with others, it is better to send him to GY for advanced rituals and the like to make Mega Rock cost
Since it was used in the illustration of 《The Law of the Normal》, there may be people who know it even if they don't know when it first came out.
japan ゆくら
2016/01/05 10:43
Yugioh Icon
Protect your treasure chest...
In other words, when it comes to treasure chests, he's that card
recklessness or greed
will come to mind
Why does Ancient King's Treasure Chest give him a two-turn drawskip?
That's because he has a curse on this treasure chest.
The 2-turn skip hides a ferocity greater than that of a certain sealed card and a certain crow.
Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that his real life has not been reprinted even once.
Draw skipping is an unforgivable act that deprives duelists of their enjoyment.
japan 音響Em
2015/08/03 7:21
Yugioh Icon
It's a pity that 《Mushroom Man》destroys it in battle!
japan こまつほうせい
2015/03/03 4:01
Yugioh Icon
It's the strongest
A card with a strength that is normally banned
japan かのん
2015/01/19 19:33
Yugioh Icon
I'm pretty sure it's a card that Keo-kun used in GX. I wonder if this kid can protect the treasure lol
Level 2 I usually put it in the Deck for the time being.
japan chatton
2014/12/29 10:21
Yugioh Icon
The cry is "Haniwa" and it's like a Pokemon
It corresponds to various his GY fertilizers such as "Advanced Ritual Art" and "Catapult Zone", but it can be said for Rock in general.
If you use it in Demis Gaia, you can recruit with 《Rescue Rabbit》and become an opion, and the helio rope with high ATK is more stable.
A card I would like to use with 《The Law of the Normal
japan 盲信するデュエリスト
2014/08/11 21:10
Yugioh Icon
By activating the Death Emperor Monarch's Ryōbo, you can line up this card and a dogu to create a mfu.
It just makes me feel that way. But that's okay, because she's cute.
japan カゲトカゲ
2014/05/07 17:33
Yugioh Icon
With 《Advanced Ritual Art》, you can send them to his GY and feed them to Mega Rock Dragon. Even without that, Rock is originally easy to fertilize GY. So what would he do with GY? This one corresponds to Debris Dragon and 《Junk Synchron》.
However, you can do the same thing with a stronger deck without the need to put in a gauntlet. Therefore, unless you are a rock fan or a self-proclaimed rock user, you won't be able to use it. Since it has not been reprinted, it is also a disadvantage that it is a little difficult to collect when building a deck in real life.
Personally, I expected Tuner or him to remake as Pendulum Monster, but I got "dogu" instead. disappointing.
japan ナル参照
2013/08/16 15:07
Yugioh Icon
Fire explosion doesn't work. Forgetting that it doesn't work, consumption of one action is the way everyone goes. No, I'm weak...
It's what it looks like. Well, it's a clay doll, so I can't expect much.
I came out of my storage room a while ago, but I threw it away...
japan ショウ♪
2013/08/16 14:38
Yugioh Icon
This kid doesn't seem to be able to protect the treasure.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/05 11:03
Yugioh Icon
This isn't a Yu-Gi-Oh card, it's a textbook annotation!
japan スクラップトリトドン
2013/01/30 11:03
Yugioh Icon
It's originally from China's terracotta warriors that protect dead kings instead of humans.
In Japan, they are buried in ancient tombs and are said to represent offerings and uses.
Although it has the advantage of being able to unify the racial attributes and call it stiff, so far it has not been more active than the food of Mega Rock and Gaia Plate,
There is also a card such as "Giant Soldier of Stone", which is excellent just above.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/01/20 17:45
Yugioh Icon
Arranged around the tomb.
Although it didn't appear in the duel, Team Taiyo had it.
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2012/11/11 10:06
Yugioh Icon
A symbol of the Kofun period.
They are arranged around the tomb.
japan ドラゴンX
2012/08/28 16:08
Yugioh Icon
What is it, Kolya?
japan 7878
2011/06/30 18:00
Yugioh Icon
Can a doll protect a treasure...
japan SOUL
2010/12/17 20:03
Yugioh Icon
I don't think I looked like this...?
japan 想夢
2010/08/18 22:50
Yugioh Icon
Do not hate. From the name to the flavor text...
japan 生姜醤油プリン
2024/06/30 23:29
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/10/12 10:19
Level 2...Rock...Vanilla... Corresponding cards: 《Advanced Ritual Art》・《Catapult Zone》...
Possibly "Demis Gaia"

Decks with "Haniwa"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Card Category and Effect Category did not exist.

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Vol.1 --20 1999-02-04 Normal
20th ANNIVERSARY SET 20TH-JP020 2018-08-18 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 11,078 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 17,025


Japanese card name はにわ

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