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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 706 to 720 of 809

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Smashing Horn ▶︎ Deck 《Smashing Horn》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 17:58
Yugioh Icon
From the name and illustration, it looks like a meta card for 《Horn of Heaven》・Black Horn, but it can crush Sentence Warning and Lagia. Or rather, it's a card to crush the latter in terms of adoption rate.
However, if you just crush the sentence warning, you can do it with a cyclone;
Lost Blue Breaker ▶︎ Deck 《Lost Blue Breaker》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 17:56
Yugioh Icon
It was pre-recorded soberly. But I don't see it being used that much.
Once it triggers Atlantean's effect, you can become a rank 3 Xyz by releasing dragoons and calling in snipers and assault troops.
Psychic Shockwave ▶︎ Deck 《Psychic Shockwave》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 17:54
Yugioh Icon
No matter how you look at it, it's a card for calling Psycho Shocker. Thank you very much (ry
There are cards other than Shocker that can be summoned, but if you're going to put them out anyway, you want to use them to bring out Shockers.
However, it makes me sad to come to Japan at this timing when future fusion is prohibited and future shocker can not be assembled.
Gladiator Taming ▶︎ Deck 《Gladiator Taming》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 17:52
Yugioh Icon
It's an energy controller dedicated to Gladiator Beast. However, if it's a card that's about to be released...
Is it correct that the illustration is that he is a Gladiator Beast training his Gladiator Beast? It's a surreal picture.
Psi-Beast ▶︎ Deck 《Psi-Beast》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 17:49
Yugioh Icon
Excluded Psychic Decks are expected to do well. However, the cards removed by this card's effect will remain removed and will not return.
If you remove the ☆3 Psychic to make it a ☆3, and if you call 《Psychic Commander》with 《Emergency Teleport》, it will become 《Naturia Barkion》, and you can connect it to rank 3 Xyz, so the range of strategies will expand.
Mara of the Nordic Alfar ▶︎ Deck 《Mara of the Nordic Alfar》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 17:42
Yugioh Icon
In short, Nordic Cyber Magician.
Compared to Odin and Thor, Loki, which was difficult to put out due to the tuner, is now much easier to put out.
Even so, the ☆ 4 non-tuner Nordic monsters have Garm, Tulle, and Lyosarve, which are not easy to use, so it's a bit subtle, but...
Photon Sabre Tiger ▶︎ Deck 《Photon Sabre Tiger》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 17:05
Yugioh Icon
If you use it normally, it's just a common ☆ 3, so is it common to separate it from Twin Lizard and use it for the release of Galaxy-Eyes? However, since it is a card named Photon, it can be expected to play an active role in the Photon Deck that has been strengthened in the Kite edition.
White Dragon Ninja ▶︎ Deck 《White Dragon Ninja》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 17:03
Yugioh Icon
A monster that specializes in super-transformation. Comboing with 《Safe Zone》will give you impregnable protection, and the Great Storm will turn into a feather broom.
Combined with 《Safe Zone》, it can be strong against battle destruction, but it is very weak against bounce exclusion, so if you can counter it, it can be quite useful.
And it's a kunoichi casually, and the illustration ad is also expensive.
Vampire Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Vampire Dragon》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 16:58
Yugioh Icon
Is he a dragon or is he a vampire? It's a monster that stirs the heart of a chef.
But why did you choose Tribute Summon?
Dodger Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Dodger Dragon》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 16:55
Yugioh Icon
Although he is caught in the abyssal torrent, it is difficult to block all of his Counter Traps such as Sentence Warning, Bribery, and Divine Punishment.
Its ATK is 1900, which is rather high for a low-class dragon, and if it can compete with 《Thunder King Rai-Oh》Roach, I think there is a demand for Dragon Decks that matches its rarity.
Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 16:53
Yugioh Icon
His rival is Vice Dragon. That one has the same effect as Sydra, but this one is a monster that can be used like 《Tragoedia》. Which one has more versatility?
I don't think it's a bad thing because if you play this card after doing a suicide attack with Recruiter, you can immediately connect to Synchro or Xyz, but...
Tour Bus From the Underworld ▶︎ Deck 《Tour Bus From the Underworld》
japan 光芒
2012/10/15 16:48
Yugioh Icon
Since it has the same 3 stars as the Guide, it is possible to Xyz it by summoning it with the Guide's effect.
In addition, it can reuse monsters such as Guide, Honest, and Veiler (Swift Scarecrow) and interfere with the opponent's GY manure, and its specs are quite excellent.
It's difficult to get a single guide, so it might be a good idea to put this card in a set with the guide and use the guide again and again.
Wind-Up Shark ▶︎ Deck 《Wind-Up Shark》
japan 光芒
2012/10/13 1:57
Yugioh Icon
What is this? A monster I must say.
To be honest, I think this card could have been Ulrea.
With this card and her 3 ☆ Wind-Up monsters, I have plenty of time for the preceding Wind-Up tee.
If Wind-Up were to take over the environment now, it would be the first contender for restricted cards.
Dark Smog ▶︎ Deck 《Dark Smog》
japan 光芒
2012/10/13 1:53
Yugioh Icon
A card I really wanted as a Dark World user.
It's like activating his Dark World effect and using D.D. Crow at the same time. And above all, Grapha is strong because it can turn into a universal removal that can be used even during the opponent's turn.
Evolzar Dolkka ▶︎ Deck 《Evolzar Dolkka》
japan 光芒
2012/10/13 1:50
Yugioh Icon
While Lagia has 《Solemn Judgment》built-in, this one has Divine Punishment built-in.
If Lagia and Dorka are lined up side by side from 《Rescue Rabbit》, it will be very difficult to deal with as an opponent... Moreover, unlike Lagia, this can be used twice, so if you do it poorly, you may become an opponent that is even more difficult to deal with than Lagia. I have.

(48/54 pages) 706 - 720

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